Homemade Vegan Candy Corn = a Happy Halloween!

The Epicurious Editor's Blog had a recipe for Homemade Candy Corn & I jumped at the chance to try a vegan version. With some easy substitutions, it worked! This recipe is not for the faint at heart, while the dough is easy to make, the production process is time consuming & tedious! I recommend having a candy corn party with friends, so you can all assemble & enjoy these goodies together! I suppose you could also eat them uncolored, but how unfestive is that?! hehe.
Candy Corn
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup corn syrup (preferably organic, avoid high fructose corn syrup!)
5 tablespoons Earth Balance (or other vegan margarine)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup powdered soy milk
a pinch of sea salt
Red & yellow food coloring
In a large saucepan, bring the sugar, corn syrup, Earth Balance, & vanilla to a boil over high heat.
Reduce the heat to medium & boil the mixture for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. After 5 minutes, remove from heat.
Sift the powdered sugar, powdered soy milk, & salt into medium bowl.
Add the powdered sugar mixture to pan & stir to combine.
Let the mixture stand until slightly warm to touch, about 20 minutes.
Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces.
Consider putting on rubber gloves, so you don't stain your hands. Add several drops of yellow food coloring to one piece of dough & knead food coloring into the dough until smooth and color is even. Repeat using red & yellow food coloring (for orange) with the second piece & leave the last piece white, but knead it until smooth. This isn't an easy task & could take up to 15 minutes!
Roll each piece into ropes of equal length (don't roll too thin or the dough will break) and push the three ropes together to form a long rectangle.
Using sharp knife, cut the ropes into triangles. Some will be white tipped & some will be yellow tipped.
Shape the candy corn as desired! You can even make Mellowcreme Pumpkins!
My Notes:
They taste great, although slightly less sugary than the pre-packaged versions. I find that's the case with most artisan versions of standard junk food, but you'll still enjoy these very much & they'll quell your candy corn craving! I wouldn't add more sugar, as the dough will get too firm to work with. In fact, the dough is pretty firm in the first place & you may find your fingers hurting from kneading. When adding the food coloring, I found it best to keep folding the dough in to itself, then flattening it with my palm. Also, I didn't have gloves, so I kept a layer of plastic wrap over my dough as I was kneading it, which worked fine with minimal staining. The ropes of dough are VERY long, they took up the length of my dining table, so you can consider working in sections. I also used a rolling pin to slightly flatten the tops of the 3 connected ropes, it makes cutting easier & slightly pushes the ropes together. Finally, please be conscious of the corn syrup you use! The widely available Karo is packed with nasty High Fructose Corn Syrup, something you DON'T need in your system. I bought an organic corn syrup, which was pricey, but I found it to be worthwhile.
PLEASE let me know if you take the time to make & enjoy these! I'd love to hear what others think of them. Oh & Happy (very early) Halloween! hehe.
You are amazing!
you are a determined gal! i saw the link to the bon appetit recipe too, but hadn't summoned the courage to try it. i'm wondering how the final texture compares? did yours actually firm up, or do they stay soft? and your pumpkin! you got a perfect shape, please share... and one more question, did you use a vanilla soymilk powder, or stick with plain?
no WAY!!!!
you have totally outdone yourself UH! These are so freaking amazing. They are beautiful and cool and who on earth ever even imagined that you could make your own candy corn!? Right on!
love the pumpkin too...
Those look fantastic!
Candy corn has been on my list of things to make for years now. I even printed out the recipe. Your photos have encouraged me to schedule the time to make these.
Oh. My. God.
I have been bitching to absolutely everyone I know about how there needs to be some sort of vegan candy corn out there, and how I wouldn't even know where to begin with making my own...
I love you so much for this! I'm going to make 100 million batches of this! Thank you!!
That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen, Melisser!!! BRAVO!!!
Too cute! Must make!
i was just at the store yesterday, pouting about not being able to eat candy corn. this is too cool for school. awesome!
Those look perfect, you are amazing! I must try these, especially the pumpkins, every year I'm totured by them as my family loves them.
OMG!WOW! Totally impressed!
Those are so cute! You did a great job :D
I like to watch what I eat to a certain extent, but I wouldn't consider myself a health food junkie. What's so nasty about high fructose corn syrup? I know a lot of people try to avoid it, but I've never asked why.
Wow...YOU ROCK!!! One of my most missed treats.
You are absolutely amazing. I am in awe!
what an amazing idea. my sister is a candy corn addict. i'd make her some, but I am not s inudstrious as you are!
wow! that's all i can say!
Egad! Time to take a day off from work and indulge in this....
This is amazing!!!!!! What an outstanding job. I would love to give this a try. It would be a fun way to spend a rainy day.
That looks good! I've never had candy corn (I'm swedish damnit) but now I certainly want to try.
oh no you didn't! those are beyond amazing! and i was always partial to the little pumpkin variation!
I'm already thinking about making some adorable holloween cupcakes with these guys...Especially those pumpkins. Wouldn't they look too cute against some ganache?
Thanks so much, can't wait to try these!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Candy corn is my FAVOURIST candy ever. I have the best childhood memories of scabbing it off North American friends every October. These look amazing! You have some pretty incredible skills in the kitchen...I'm in awe.
they look awesome!
Oh my gosh! That is the coolest candy corn I've ever seen. I'm going to have to give it a shot.
Holy c***! I you read my mind! Candy corn is (was!) my favorite candy in the entire world, esp the mallowcremes, but so many people just either hate or love it! (I was dying for candy corn the other day (it is my one, horrible craving every year). This may be the answer to my problem! I vow to try this recipe! Oh, and you asked about how to use amaranth.... I would try the links I posted, especially "nuworld" and also cookinglight's website and VT's website with the keyword amaranth. I liked the amaranth granola and the corn chowder from nuworld!
WOW! everything everybody else said and then some! amazing!
That has got to be the cutest thing ever! Good job, Mel! Btw, I've passed you the award of 'Rockin Girl Blogger'; you can check my blog for that ;)
You are about to make my hubby the happiest man in the world. He misses MelloPumpkins and now he'll be able to have them again. God Bless You!-----A Vegan In Vermont
Wow! So impressive! I've never been a big fan of candy corn. However, there are many things that I haven't liked until I've tried making them myself. I may have to give it a try.
oh my gosh, do you seriously want marshmallows in a trade? I'd bring you some anyway!
WOW, thanks for the awesome response everyone! I'm so glad I took the time to make these & people are excited about them. Everyone I've shared them with so far has enjoyed them, so that also feels good! Okay, on to the questions..
kittee- The texture is totally comparable. These are firm, not soft & possibly a bit firmer than the store bought version. I used a plain soymilk powder, but I think either should work!
amey- I never thought I'd be making candy corn! It's awesome!
how to eat a cupcake- High Fructose is a modified version of corn syrup & while I like to stay away from modified foods, there's more to it than that! Here's an article from the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A8003-2003Mar10?language=printer I'd also recommend a google search on high fructose corn syrup & it's affects on people, it's NASTY stuff.
jillian- They would be beautiful on cupcakes with ganache!
halloween is, easily, my most favorite holiday and you are now, easily, my most favorite blogger.
hott damn! i can't wait to make the pumpkins. brilliant! thanks so much for rocking this recipe out.
Wow.. this is insane! You have some serious patience.
I'm wicked impressed.
You are bonkers! How big are these? I need a penny for scale or something. I am a fan of Halloween candies of all sorts, but I don't know if I could do this. I admire you for it, though!
dang girl! 38 comments is pretty right on.
Super unfortunately, I am headed up to Veg Fest on Sunday... It's sort of a lame excuse, but my little dog has his last day of doggie training class that saturday & I want him to finish and graduate. But I also hate to miss out on an invitation to one of your amazing brunch parties!!
heavy sigh! Maybe I can take a raincheck?
:) amey
That is so freaking cool. If only I had the patience and determination to make enough to hand out to the neighborhood kids!
this is BEYOND briliant, melisser!! oh my goodness :0)
I think I have to make these - honey extract (the kind I found is vegan, seriously!) for the candy corn and pumpkin spice flavoring for the pumpkins...
Whoa, candy corn that's vegan and homemade.. brilliant!
Where did you get the powdered soy milk? My Whole Foods said it was discontinued, and I couldn't find it at Trader Joe's either. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
Oh. My. You are a genius! I looovvveee candy corn. Now I can have vegan candy corn :o) I am all over this. Thank yoooooo!
oh...sweet delight!
Ok, just adding my voice to the chorus- wow! This was my favorite PPK food porn in quite a while- and that's saying a lot! Very impressive.
There really aren't words to describe how amazing your candy corn is. I think you should get an award for making the coolest vegan dessert ever!
Your are my vegan hero!
You are awesome! I miss candy corn. It was definitely one of my Halloween highlights. Unfortunately, this is probably a little to time consuming for me. I'll live vicariously through you!
Oh my god, that's so great! I LOVE candycorn! I did always think it was a little *too* sweet though, I might try this one next time I get the craving for it and it's April or something. Great post!
what a great invention! I passed it on to all of my vegan friends.
I'm not a vegan, but I did want to mention I've bought a ton of candy corn sweetened with honey instead of high fructose corn syrup. Maybe you want to try that instead of the corn syrup?
Oh wow that's AMAZING!
CFBandit -
Most vegans (that I know) do not eat honey.
Thanks so much for this recipe! I'm super excited about trying it!
*blush* Everyone is so nice! Thank you!
Natalie- They're not HUGE, although the photos suggest they are. I'd guess they're about twice the size of a standard candy corn.
Hilary- My powdered soy milk is from my local co-op. Have any hippie joints nearby? hehe.
Concetta- I don't consume honey, but thank you for the sentiment.
Man, I wish I could address each & every one of you! THANK YOU!
Thank you so much for letting me know about this! I bow down to your candy making skills!!! I am sooo making these next month.
It is with great embarassment that I admit to my powerlessness over candy corn. But now I have a healthy variation! And think of the calories I will burn off in the kneading process.
These are just gorgeous, and as soon as I saw them I thought they had to be time-consuming. You are amazing for going to so much work! And that pumpkin--so cute!
You got me with the pumpkin, an all-time favorite. I couldn't resist, I have a post going up tomorro morning on my website of best "how to's" for the month and HAD to include yours.
If anyone is looking for soymilk powder, Amazon has Better Than Milk, both rice and soy versions.
omg! i can't wait to give to give these a try!!!!
Wow, I love candy corn and especially the pumpkins (though the Indian corn are a close favorite). I can't get them here in Italy so I'm going to try your recipe...if I can find all the ingredients! :)
You rock! Thanks for the recipe...I am so on this! It's the best Halloween treat since the litterbox cake!
Yea! I can love candy corn again. Definitely going to try this!
How long do you think these will keep? I will be busy with lots of cooking & baking immediately before my Halloween party, but I'd love to make these the weekend before and save them. Maybe if I kept them in the freezer...
One question- when you remove the liquid ingredients from the heat, could you divide the liquid into thirds and add the food coloring then? You'd have to divide the dry ingredients also, but it might save a lot of kneading. I'm a preschool teacher and I use this technique when we make playdough.
Just a thought!
I am very excited about these.thank you! I inquired about vegan candy corn on a site last year and nobody knew how to make it. Question about powdered soy milk. i live in canada and have never been able to find any that are drinkable. They are all pretty much 100% soy flour. even though it tastes disgusting on its own would it make ok candy?
What about using Agave Nectar instead of Corn Syrup (may be too thin)?
my mouth is watering here... yummy
Where did you buy the pumpkin mold? Or did you just shape them by hand?
My DS who is peanut, nut, milk & egg allergic thanks You!
I also found these pics so the recipe could be adapted for easter candy corn and mellocremes(different shapes and colors)
aww, i'm so impressed! i hope i get the chance to try these :)
aw, they came out real grainy so the consistency was off and super hard so they could not be rolled. i just wound up throwing it all away.
what did i do wrong?
You my dear are beyond brilliant.
Sadly, I had the same issue as the anonymous poster above. I think the heat may have been too high. Am I shooting for soft ball stage? I'm surprised they didn't have a temperature listed on the recipe.
I'm giving it another go this weekend so hopefully with boil at a lower heat, it will work.
Thanks again everyone for the great comments. PLEASE post photos or let me know if you make these!
alisa- Thank you for sharing the powdered soy milk source.
flashgirl- Don't freeze these! The texture will change & they'll be little rocks. They keep best on the counter in an airtight container with plastic wrap between each layer to keep them from sticking. I've had mine for 2 & a half weeks now & they're still good.
gigi- I think that's a great idea, but there's no way to properly measure the liquid and dry to make sure you'd get the right consistency. You could make 3 small batches & try the food coloring in with the wet!
anon- I would never drink the soy milk powder I have, so I think it's fine.
jmj- I think agave would be too thin.
windyjc- I shaped the pumpkin by hand, but a mold would be nice!
anon & hilary- I think temperature could be a factor, but how was your dough as you were putting in the dry? Was it pretty soft, then set too quickly? My 1st instinct was too much powdered sugar, maybe it was too packed when you measured it? I stir mine up first. I hope people are able to have success with this! yikes.
I tried it again tonight, and this time boiled it over low heat. It was a success! The only negative is that the outside didn't firm up as much as store-bought candy corn, and I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to be, or if I did something wrong. I think I may go into Boule this weekend and check out the texture of the candy in the store.
Thanks again for the recipe!
i just ate 4 of these after 3 hours of cooking and pooped my pants. thanks a lot.
These are beautiful. I am already plotting a candy corn making party. Thank you!
I tried to make this last weekend and it never at any point resembled a dough. All I got was a crumbly mess that ranged from the texture of sand to pebbels. Are you sure that something not off in this recipe?
My kids (ages 5 & 7) can't have soy or artificial colors, amongst other things. It was easy for me to adapt this recipe to fit their diet with ghee (sorry!), Vance's Darifree potato milk, rice syrup and India Tree vegetable colorant. The only issue I had was with my crappy sifter leaving some powdered sugar lumps.
I made most of them, but left some for the kids to make themselves. This is definitely kid-friendly cooking. They had a blast and now have a big 'ol bowl of their first-ever halloween specific candies.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
You've helped give my kids a rippin' happy halloween!
I made them!!
It was really hard to make the ropes thin enough and the longer I worked the harder it got. It was also hard to get them to stick together.
But overall, they are pretty good. They're not EXACTLY like the store-bought kind, but every day as they dry out a little more, they get closer and closer. Some even have the harder outside/softer inside combo that makes the mellowcreme pumpkins so addictive.
They are pretty yummy and 2 other vegans have confirmed that this is a Breakthrough in Vegan Technology.
WARNING: Do NOT make a double batch. I did because I figured if I was gonna make the effort I was gonna make a lot. Well, a single recipe is plenty. My 3 dogs and I cannot stop eating the things and we are nearly in a sugar coma.
One more thing - why are yours SHINY? Mine are not shiny at all. Did you coat them with something?
I made them this weekend, doing a half batch, and they worked for me.
The texture is really good but the taste is a bit different. Still good though.
Southern Fried- Please check out the tips & tricks here: http://theurbanhousewife.blogspot.com/2007/10/making-candy-corn-tips-tricks.html
Deb- I'm glad the kids enjoyed them!
jill- a double batch?! oh my! I'm not sure why mine are shiny, they got that way as I shaped them, they're not coated in anything.
Thanks for the Vance's Dari-free option! My kids can't have the soy milk and I was wondering what to substitute!
OK, you're my hero...and I never even liked candy corn that much! You know you're totally going down in vegan history for this, right??
Out of curiousity- how long did it take to make these start to waiting for the candies to set? Trying to figure out when is best to make them.
I wonder if those who had difficulties had them due to humidity differances? I know that humidity messes with candymaking.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I made these the other night. It was SOOOOO fun!! I had a few helpers, but it would have been great to have a big group to do the shaping (that's the time-consuming part, everything else is easy).
I posted a picture on my blog: hotchachie.blogspot.com
I'm going to try making these~ Wish me luck.
thanks sooo much!! i can't wait for that yummy taste again....
i made these last night in time for halloween. they aren't shiny naturally, but when I took a picture they look shiny. I also repeatedly took pieces of the dough(s) and made many rope batches (rather than one long one). I was able to make pretty small ones. I would suggest covering the cooling dough with a lid as you take out each third to knead. If the dough gets too cool it is difficult to knead. Overall they were great!
Would cane syrup work in this recipe, or does it have to be corn syrup? I have some delicious, dark cane syrup from Louisiana (Steen's brand) and am wondering if it might give a nice extra dimension to the flavor---on the other hand, maybe the traditional taste of candy corn is somewhat dependent on the corn syrup. Any thoughts?
ether- I'm not entirely sure what your question is. The dough is somewhat stiff & they don't set all that much.
nancy- I'm not sure about cane syrup. I used brown rice syrup & it worked, but they didn't have that classic candy corn taste.
wow, im impressed, i didnt know candy corn could be homemade; the candy has always been a mystery to me. I never knew what they were made from. I have the feeling that they probably taste a lot better homemade than the mass produced version that i have grown to dislike
Good Job! :)
I wish I could find some sugar free or VERY LOW sugar corn syrup... then they'd be perfect, but alas, I can't eat it. What an awesome adaptation though!
OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY YOU JUST MADE ME!!!!! I have been CRAVING candy corn like crazy since it started to feel like fall and started getting depressed thinking i couldnt have any just because i'm vegan! I'm going to make like 5 batches of this stuff!!! YAY!!! Thank you SOOO MUCH!!!! my life is now complete!!! lol!
Looks yummy, must make. I linked to this recipe from my blog www.modegreen.com.
This is fabulous! I run a support group for people with food allergies, and I've been looking for allergy-safe candy corn for years! I get asked for safe brands all the time, and there simply aren't any, so your recipe is a wonderful find! I linked to your recipe from my blog (http://www.ufanblog.blogspot.com/). Thank you so much, on behalf of everyone who's allegic to eggs, nuts, and milk!
these are great! i bet they taste even better than the artificial and processed versions.
I am DEFINITELY going to make these!! How long do they last after you make them? I want them for Halloween night...Could I make them a week or so before Halloween? Or do you recommend I make them a couple days before or even on the 31st?
My Grandmother's birthday is just a few days before Halloween and she adores candy corn! She'll be happy seeing these topping her cake. ^^
OMG! I just googled up vegan organic candy corn thinking I would have no luck and this popped up! I think you just made my October!
Hellooo urban housewife!
Kelly, from celiacchicks, left a comment on my blog suggesting people check in with you for your candy corn recipe. I'm SO glad she did as I had never seen your blog before. I love it! It's nice to "meet" you.
I did a whole rant about candy corn and Kelly responded with a link to your recipe. I'll edit my blog post and link directly to you if that's okay. It will be nice for people to have an alternative to my diatribe on HFCS.
I'll be back!
In good health,
Hello, is there any other ingregient i can substitute the powdered soy milk for, there is no way for me to get this ingredient. Thanks!!! :D
This was like the hardest thing I've ever cooked or made.
I did indeed make 4 small batches and colored the wet. It worked out fine but the doughs were not consistent. Next time, if that happens, I would just make one batch and knead my hands off as originally suggested. It would take WAY less time, esp considering I only used one pan which I cleaned between batches.
I made some candy corn tonight (and a bunch of pumpkins because those are way quicker)!
Thanks for the great recipe!
I used powdered coconut milk because I couldn't find any powdered soy. It came out great!
Karo isn't high fructose corn syrup, just regular corn syrup. I think they changed a couple of months ago, I've seen ads boasting about the fact.
I just made these and they didn't work at all. The dough is like a rock, just crumbles when I try to need it. I still have corn syrup and I'm never going to use it for anything else so I'll try another batch. My poor hands are killing me, red raw and dimpled from trying to knead that crumbly dough.
I just made this recipe last night and it turned out great! I followed the recipe exactly... with measurements, heat and time. It was actually pretty easy and not as complicated as it looks. It goes pretty fast, just forming each little candy can take some time. As I was making the candy corn, the dough would dry out too much to be workable so I just put it in the microwave for about 5 seconds or so to get it pliable enough. My only problem was with the food coloring. I used natural food coloring and red (from black currants) mixed with yellow does NOT equal orange. It makes brown. But it turned out to look like "Indian" corn so all is well. I also kept adding the natural red to see if maybe it would turn orange and because of that extra liquid, the brown color won't set *quite* as stiff as it should in the final product. That's what I get for not using those chemical food colorings... From that brown color I made a mini hotdog, in a white bun and a squirt of mustard on the top. I see candy corn eye balls, worms, maggots, ears, noses etc in my future! Now I'm really inspired to make some creations for my Halloween party! Photos available soon!
I just tried these and they didn't turn out for me, but I'm going to try again! I used organic corn syrup which was already an amber color, so mine were brown without even adding coloring. Also, the dough was way, way too stiff for me to knead at all, so I just cut it into chunks for a basic candy. Actually I could barely even get the knife to cut through it. Maybe I let it get too hot during the boiling... I will try again with a touch less powdered sugar, a lighter syrup, and a more gentle boil.
ahh this is amazing!! i love candy corn so much, especially the pumpkins, if i get a lot of time on my hands, i'm making these. they are beautiful!
I plan to make this soon. Thanks!
organic foods are significantly higher in heavy metals than standard, chemical-treated foods. this is because the manure spread on the fields comes from animals that were not so healthfully raised, and typically contains high levels of cadmium, zinc, aluminum, lead, copper, and sometimes arsenic. regular food chemicals are carbon based compounds that your body can degrade. these, however, are atomic entities that cannot be destroyed by the human body, only excreted, and even then only if they can be trapped.
and another point, part of the reason organic foods are becoming more and more available today is that it's cheaper for factory livestock farms to ship animal waste to farmers who use it for manure than it is for the factory farms to detoxify the manure and release it into waterways. i'm not saying that organic foods will be the end of civilization and the cause of all death and disease, but i am saying, consider your biases and prejudices. it seems quite possible that your cure may be killing you.
and if you don't believe me, you can read the UN report. it's called "Livestock's Long Shadow", and was just published a few years ago. It's a little dense (more like reading a textbook than a novel), but it's more than worth your time, if you have enough education to understand it.
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Wow.. delicious item. I love it. Thanks for recipe and instruction. Let me try.
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These look yummy! All my vegan friends are always complaining about not getting to eat candy corn and then viola! Thanks so much!! I've posted a photo and link on my blog, The Handmade Experiment. http://emilyflippinmaruna.wordpress.com/2009/10/05/tuesday-tutorials-the-halloween-costume-addition/
Best wishes!
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these were really good!
i didnt have soymilk powder, so i substituted cornstarch and it worked pretty well
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