As I mentioned last week, we held a two day bake sale in San Francisco to benefit
Animal Place &
East Bay Animal Advocates as a part of the
Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale. Well, I'm happy to say it was a smashing success! Thanks to my co-organizer Laura from
Vegansaurus, plus our many volunteers, we raised $3000 for the charities!
Yes, $3000!Our awesome bakers & volunteers included
The Sisters Vegan,
Too Vegan To Function (maker of the Pride donuts),
Vegan Homemade,
Strange and Violent Creations,
Kristen Blackmore,
Valencia Street Vegan (bake sale table photo),
Vegan Lush,
Erika Lutz, plus local businesses
Pepple's Donuts,
Bike Basket Pies,
Sugar Beat Sweets,
Brassica Supperclub,
Pure Life Chef,
Pie Truck,
Angel Cakes,
À Côté Restaurant,
VegNews, &
Daisy Wares. PHEW! Hope I didn't miss anyone. Of course, we have to thank
Ike's Place who let us have our event out front on Saturday, which was perfect! I'm really proud to have worked on this event & I'm sure next year will be even more amazing!

Now that I have your sweet tooth at the ready, I'm going to tell you about a little company called
Bountiful Vegan & their Intention Cookie. I was lucky enough to receive their Variety Pack in the mail a bit ago, and it contained four GIANT cookies in interesting flavors. Of course, I had to try them all, so I could tell you about them!
I started with the
Harmony which is described as a Lemon Snickerdoodle. This crunchy cookie has a great lemony taste & is flecked with cinnamon & sugar.

I made the mistake of sharing a bite with Strummer & the begging never stopped! Next up, the
Prosperity is a soft & crumbly chocolate cookie with pecan & chocolate chips. It was not too rich, which made it far too easy to snack on! The
Well Being is a Pineapple Coconut affair that's light & fruity, yet chewy with a coconutty flavor likely from the shreds of coconut within it. Finally, the appropriately named
Love is slightly soft Orange Chocolate Chip cookie, that still has a somewhat firm bite to go with it's sweet orange flavor & chocolate chips. I think this may have been my favorite & it was hard not to devour it all!

Each cookie contains a message on the inside of the label which you are supposed to repeat, in hopes of making it come true. See where the name Intention comes in? While I wouldn't normally participate in something like this, one of the messages caught my eye, "Money comes easily to me..". I may or may not have repeated this one to myself! ha. All of the cookies are a nice addition to the pre-packaged vegan cookie world & will hopefully be popping up at a store near you! In the meantime, you can
order them online.
Guess what?
I have a Variety Pack to giveaway!

Yes, one lucky commenter will get an assortment of these GIANT cookies all for themselves.. or I suppose you could share with a friend.
To enter, leave a comment & let me know, if you were an Intention Cookie, what would your name be? The winner will be selected at random & announced next Tuesday, July 7th.
For ANOTHER chance to win a Variety Pack, sign up for the Bountiful Vegan mailing list, as they will also be picking a random winner in the near future. Good Luck!
I'd be a Bangin' Body cookie. Is that an oxymoron?
Ah the Pride donuts are really cute! Would probably go down a treat in Sydney too ;)
Nice work with the bake sale $3000 is pretty damnd amazing!
i need these cookies! i think i would be called...."purist". they look so delicious!!!!!
I would like to be called the "Compassion Cookie".
Good job on the bake sales, by the way!
I think I'd be called "quarter-life crisis cookie" Inside the affirmation would read, "everything will work out."
those donuts are soooo pretty!!
Melisser- you never cease to impress! $3000 is amazing!! Hope you are well!
I'd be a "Kickstart cookie", a mix of espresso, chocolate, and banana.
I'd be the "pessimistic bitch" cookie, a white chocolate cookie with a dark chocolate swirl. The inside affirmation would read "I accept the things I cannot change, although some things still really suck".
Congratulations! That's an amazing success. If I were a (delicious vegan brownie pretending to be a cookie) cookie I'd be the Zen cookie. My secret message would read "I'd rather be here now".
I'd be the "optimistic" cookie. Also- RAINBOW DONUTS?!?! cool!!
Fortitude. Chocolate upon peanut butter upon caramel.
I think I'd be the "stress" cookie!
Congrats on your bake sale success. :)
I would be a "cheerful" cookie! All those treats look so good!
Congrats on the bake sale, that's so awesome! Great to pair it with Pride too.
Judging by right now, I'm the PMS cookie. The inside reads "Just eat the fucking cookie, okay?", and it's chocolate-mint.
OMG! Those Pride donuts are the best! How cute!
And I'm loving my Bountiful Vegan cookies. I'm doing one post per cookie because I can't try them all at once. Plus, I love to stretch things out. BTW, don't include me in the contest since I already some cookies....not that I wouldn't love more, but someone else needs to try 'em too!
I would be a cookie called Sarcasm, but in a nice way, you know? And the cookie would be a mixed-mash of all sorts of yummies.
Congratulations on a successful bake sale!!!!!!! I wish they happened more often because I had a lot of fun at the Portland one.
My name would be Serenity!
I (rahzh) would be the Baker Chocolate Cookie (Named so because I like to Bake and it would be a chocolate cookie :) )
Mine would be the "Rah Rah Shish Kabob" because I don't know how to spell Siskumbob, and I don't even know if that was the end of that. You all know what I am talking about right? I googled it and it was like "did you mean Shish Kabob"? So I thought that was good.
Wow! Great job at the bake sale! As far as cookies I would be 'helpful' cookie. Some sort of concoction of chocolate, peanut butter and those elusive white chocolate chips.
I'd be the "Live in the Now Cookie"!
Congratulations on your hugely successful bake sale! Ours was a big success and tons of fun, too.
If I were an Intention cookie, I'd definitely be called Gratitude.
Your cupcakes were fabulous. Thank you for all you do for animals! :D
If I were a cookie I'd be called Awkward. I'd have walnuts and oats and maple. :)
I'd be the psychotic cookie. But in the fun way! With rainbow sprinkles and all! :-)
I would be a 'Passion' cookie! Stefanie B., you cracked me up! I thought I was the only one that used the term 'quarter life crisis'! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd be a Serenity/Peace/Calm cookie. Oatmeal with Choc and White Choc Chips.
I'd be the "Health Nut" cookie...oatmeal, cranberry, dark chocolate chips, and walnuts. Yum, I'm hungry now.
congrats on your charity success!
ps- those doughnuts look crraaaazzy. :)
i'd be an Ants in the Pants cookie. Would most likely contain caffiene.
those pride donuts look AMAZING! congrats on your success!
I would love to try these cookies, I guess I would be called Loco Looney Bin and would be crazy delicious!
I'd be Gratitude. It'd involve vegan white chocolate chips & pecans!
I'm always trying to cultivate more gratitude in my life!
If Canadians may enter: I'd be Logic.
I'd be a Mirth cookie, a frosted lemon variety with the message inside, "When life gives you lemons, stuff 'em in your bra!"
oh MAN, the bakesale is so totally rad. How amazing. Also, I love the links to everyone's websites... I hadn't seen them all before.
Hm. If i were an intention cookie, I guess I would be Ahimsa (non-violence)... as that is my guiding principle.
hope all is well!
Hey Melisser - could I get your e-mail address? I have some bakery questions if you have any free time!
You can just e-mail me at zissou@earthlink.net if you get a chance. Thanks duuuuude.
Oh wow, I wish I could have tasted all that bake sale yumness - congrats on raising so much moolah!
If I were an Intention Cookie, I would be "Bitchy".
My Intention cookie name would be "Pleasant" and I would b a pecan shortbread cookie!
hmm id want to be the "happiness" cookie :)
Yeah, congratulations on raising $3000 for charity, that's some serious "dough" ::pun intended::
Okay, I've given this plenty of thought, my intention cookie would be the most amazing cookie to hit ones taste buds, it would be called "Straight-to-the-Asparagus cookie". Well worth the occasional indulgence if you ask me. My hidden cookie code would be, you guessed it, "See you at the GYM!" :) hehe
That is so awesome!! A couple of Animal Place staff members said the bake sale was full of awesome and they enjoyed the nummy treats!
Good job on making this such an awesome success. And of course the animals at the sanctuary thank you immensely for your generosity, though they wonder why there wasn't a bake sale including food they could eat. :)
I would be the "Balance" cookie (as that is what I am currently striving for).
Congrats on the bake sale!
Awesome work on the bake sale, Melisser! I can't believe you guys made $3000, that's a lot of vegan baked goods! :)
all the stuff at the bake sale looks delicious. i hope you saved room for a sandwich at ike's when you were done! :)
if i were an intention cookie, i'd be the cuntlife cookie. something tells me i won't win with that answer....
I'd be the "indecisive cookie." My whole family thinks I need to buy some decision dice!
$3000 is one fantastic bake sale!!
I would be a 'change' cookie although 'indecisive' would be a good one too! ;)
My cookie would be called sunshine.
Woot to the amount of money you guys raised! Wish I was there for yours and you here for the second one of Bake Me Up!
I heart cookies. I believe I would like to be the "Mellow" cookie. It's a mantra...stay mellow.
Hey melisser! those donuts are amazing! i'd be a sustainability cookie! (it would be a renewable cookie that you never finished hahah)
I would be "sinful" so folks would know, while the other cookies rock, this would be a treat of sheer decadence.
How about "I am awesome."
I'd be "Nurturing" cookie. People have told me my whole life that I act like a mother to everyone
I like the idea of the cookies. I would have to say my cookie name would be hope.
I'd be the "Striving" cookie. I think it is super important to always strive to do the best we can for all living things and the world.
Congratulations on the Bake Sale! Great Work! (I would be a Lemon Shortbread Cookie with macadamia nuts.)
congratulations on your bake sale - im glad it was so sucessful! I would be the magic muffin cookie.
it would be a tasty cookie in the shape of a delicious muffin :)
Would being a Vegan Cult Leader cookie count as an intension?
Also, those pride doughnuts are amazing! Congrats on the success!
it's my party cookie. ok!
What an awesome day! 3K is an amazing accomplishment!
I'm passing on the giveaway.. I don't need the temptation! haha
OMFG. There is so much awesome going on here. I love the big gay doughnuts!
What kind of cookie would I be? I think I'll go fancy and call myself a flaneur cookie. (flâneur—"a person who walks the city in order to experience it"). Cookies give me energy to discover!
I would be a "Balance" cookie. Inside it would say "Say no to others, say yes to yourself."
Cookies! Right now, I think I'd call my cookie "awesomeness".
Pride Cookie, and on the inside: "i love me, who do you love?" :-D
A lot of people want those cookies! I would probably named Invigorating, and it'd be a spicy cinnamon ginger one, yumm.
the bumble bee cookie!
I'd be a Quiet cookie — it's absolutely essential to my mental balance, and I could really use a bit more of these days!
My cookie name would be Serendipity!
I would be 'sassy' cookie, my memo would be something snap-worthy!
Those pride donuts are freaking fabulous!
Let's see, if I were an Intention Cookie, I'd definitely be "Equality": my dough would be a vanilla/chocolate, black/white swirl, and I'd be topped with a little vulva made of cherry icing! Or a rainbow swirl would work, too!
Now those are some colorful donuts- Love it!
Very cool, I'll be reviewing these cookies soon, too. :)
I would be the "sunnyside" cookie...always looking to the bright side of life!
I would be "Purpose" I think. I hope that wasn't taken already (I didn't read through the comments, too busy drooling over the rainbow donuts!).
I'd be the Peace cookie - a combination of citrus and lavender
Wow, melisser 3000 $ is awesome! Congrats.
Those rainbow donuts look superfantastic. And I'd probably a "Weird Cookie". Would anybody buy a cookie with such a name?
my cookie name would be wesley snipes
I would be a "scatterbrained" cookie. Lots of different components that somehow work together!
I think I'd be an "equality" cookie, and it'd be black and white, or maybe rainbow like those awesome pride donuts. At least, that's what kind of cookie I'd like to be.
I would be "Simplicity"
A soft chewy cookie with soft touch of grapefruit
I wanted to do this bake sale but where I live I know it would be pointless:( But good work anyways!!If I would be a cookie I would be called "Clean Kindness"
All those baked goodies look fantastic! My intention would be "Plenty" to remind me that I am and have all that I really need… except for four jumbo delicious cookies!
I'd be "Sarcastic Cookie" because, well, that's what I am!
I'd be a "Sharp Cookie." Chocolate dough with chocolate chips, peppermint candy pieces, and toasted almond slices. Oh man, I want my imaginary cookie now! I shouldn't use my imagination for evil! The phrase inside would be the quote that's painted across a banner on my favorite teacher's desk: "It's never too late, in fiction or in life, to revise."
You will not let an Internet forum thread ruin your day.
I would be "Curiousity": a giant snickerdoodle flecked with bits of chocolate chip cookies.
Friendliness. Or chattiness. Or . . . ooh, I got it!
Well Intentioned. It'd be pretend healthy, but really not. So like spelt flour and/or oats with agave as sweetener and then all crazy with too many chips or something to ruin the health factor.
I would be "Magic Moment" - to savour the moment of the delicious choc/almond cookie, and to spread the intention of being in the moment, present and aware everyday.
My cookie name would be undecided (a constant theme in my life) and the ingredients would be whatever was leftover after making all of the other cookies.
Wow, that's some impressive baking and some impressive fund raising!!! So many yummies!!
Mine would be called "Zombie Killer," it would be a raspberry cookie with green marzipan chunks.
Wow, $3000 is awesome! Sounds like the bake sale was a huge success!! Love those pride donuts, what a great idea. Can't wait for next year.
whoaaaa, everything looks so good. although i consider myself and "okay" cook, vegan baking has always been my weak point- i can never seem to get it right! i would name my intention cookie- knowledge!
If I were an intention cookie I would be "contemplation" because I am rethinking everything in life right now..
My cookie would be called the "Look Around" cookie. The message inside would say "isn't it all so beautiful?"
To clarify - the cookie would be called "Don't Feed the Trolls, and it would be a chocolate chocolate chip cookie with cinnamon, cayenne and macadamia nuts. The inscription would read "Don't let an Internet forum thread ruin your day."
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I LOVE those donuts!
I seriously can't think of anything clever for my cookie name! I know as soon as I submit this, I am going to think of something so much better, but since I want to enter - I will say the "Mabel Cookie" after my dog. She's sassy, sweet & I could just eat her up (if that were vegan)...
Those cookies sound so good, and the doughnuts are the cutest! :)
I'd be the "Kindness" cookie.
I would be called the "Honery" cookie..
I'd be "Badassery." It's not just an adjective, it's a verb and a state of mind!
If I were one of those cookies, I'd be "Laughter is the best medicine" and in the inside it would say "... laughter... and these chocolate cookies!"
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