British Bulldog's Custard Berry Tart with Biscuit Crust
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When coming up with ideas, many things danced through my head,
British Bulldog's Custard Berry Tart with Biscuit Crust
2 cups Digestive Biscuits, Rich Tea Biscuits, or Hob Nobs (approximately 14 biscuits), crumbled.
6 Tbsp Earth Balance, melted.
a pinch of cinnamon (optional)
2 cups soy milk
2 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp Custard Powder (try Bird's or Orgran)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 tsp arrowroot or cornstarch
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp lemon extract
1/2 vanilla bean, split & scraped. (optional)
1 cup blueberries
For the Crust- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees & spray a 9 inch tart pan with non-stick spray.
Crumble biscuits until you've reached 2 cups & place them in a bowl with the cinnamon.
Add the Earth Balance until a soft crumbly dough forms & then press it in to the bottom & sides of the tart pan.
Bake the crust for 10 minutes & let it cool completely.
For the Custard- Combine 2 tbsp of the soy milk, the sugar & custard powder, whisk to combine, forming a paste & removing all lumps.
In a saucepan, combine the paste & the rest of the soy milk. On medium heat, bring the mixture to a simmer & let it thicken, stirring occasionally.
Whisk the lemon juice & arrowroot together, once again making sure there's no lumps. Add the lemon juice to the thickened mixture & bring it back to a simmer, continue to thicken the mixture.
Once thickened, turn off the heat, stir in the extracts & vanilla bean. Place the custard in a bowl with a layer of plastic wrap on the top of the custard, so a skin doesn't form. Place in the refrigerator until it is completely cooled, it will firm up quite a bit once cool.
Assembly- Once everything has cooled, add the custard to the crust, filling all the way to the edges. Make sure you don't leave too much custard in the middle, or your fruit will sink in & disappear.
Use the blueberries to fill in the vacant spaces, leaving visible custard on either side of the strawberries to make the white lines.
Place your finished tart in the refrigerator to bring everything up to the same temperature or be a rebel & dig in! I think the British Bulldog would opt to eat it straightaway!
My Notes: This makes a light, fluffy custard that would be good with any sort of fruit. Many grocery stores carry Bird's Custard Powder, but if you don't want to use it, you can try a flour or cornstarch thickened recipe for custard or pastry cream. Most biscuits or cookies would suitable for the crust, I just love a good digestive & was thrilled to find the McV's Lights to be vegan. Many other brands of digestives are vegan, just read the label!
A tart fit for a wrestler, eh?? How fun!! :0D
Congratulations on the nomination!! :0)
I haven't seen any of the other entries, but really, there is no need to. This is the winner. Congratulations and The End. <3
I am also a closeted childhood WWF fan. I believe I even had action figures. The tart is too great, I think he would like it.
That tart idea is so great! And it looks delicious. The Bulldog would be proud... My brother used to be obsessed with wrestling, too. He still watches sometimes for old times' sake, but would be mortified if anyone knew... Shhh.
Congrats on the nom, too! Yay!
That tart is awesome! Wrestler or not, who wouldn't love it?
What a great idea!! It looks and sounds delicious. Congratulations on the nomination. Much deserved.
Any one who would post about the British Bull Dog deserves that award! Who wasn't a fan of WWF in the eighties - it was all my grandmother watched on the involuntary (now much loved and missed) visits to her house on was WWF and cheezies.
What a great looking post. Good luck and congrats.
That's a beautiful tart! And congratulations on the nomination. What an honor!
I don't think I've ever had a custard before, but yours looks fabulous!
hee hee,
that's pretty hilarious Melisser, I certainly wouldn't have guessed it! :)
The tart looks amazing. I've never heard of custard powder, but I'll keep my eyes open for it. Tarts are so fun because they really aren't that must work... but with a little artful fruit arranging, they can look totally spectacular.
I ate so many of those light digestives in India. YUM.
Congrats on the veg news nod. Very cool! Good luck!
: ) Amey
Very awesome. I love it :)
I used to love wrestling too! It always came on after Saturday morning cartoons, and I loved that "dunh! dunh! Dunh! DUNH-DUNH!" music. You know what I'm talkin' about.
I was a big Jerry "The King" Lawler fan since he's from Memphis. In my house, we called it "wrastlin" cause how folks talk.
Your custard berry tart would melt the heart of any tough-guy wrestler. It looks so beautiful, and I'm a fan of anything with a biscuit crust.
Congrats on the nomination! Very well deserved.
hoooray on the nomination! :) and i loooooove your tart! it's colorful, fun as hell, and freak'n perfect! mmmmmmm! it's awesome!
and i'm with you on the old WWF stuff - i used to love the macho man & the hulk, too. ah yes, the old days. soooo much fun when we were all wee, indeed! :)
Excellent! I am forwarding your info to CM Punk right... now!
I saw the Bake & Destroy contest. This is a fabulous entry! Would be great to see a vegan entry win.
Wrestling and tarts are two things I would have never thought to go together, but I guess they do! Tarts are always the perfect summer dessert and thanks for the recipe!
Also, congratulations on your nomination!
Oooh tarts are great. This one looks so delicious.
I love your blog!
Gawd this thing looks so delicious!!!
I need to take more lucious photos but I' so busy with processing fruit...
Congrats on the nomination - I voted for you in my ballot.
Congrats on your nomination! Your tart is incredible!
Haha, how creative is that tart! I love it!
melisser that tart is too adorable!
hope all is well in californ-i-a!
I dig the combination of veg food and pop dad took me to see Wrestle Mania as a kid, so this was especially enjoyable!
that is a gorgeous decoration on the tart! and congrats on the nom!
That tart looks incredible! Congrats on the nomination! Totally deserved, if you ask me!
that custard is so simple and awesome and light! You know I'm gonna try this someday. And congrats on the nomination, you totally deserve it!
That looks delightful. Nice recipe congrats on the nomination!
Oh yum! I need to stock up on Bird's Custard Powder, since I ran out. Beautiful tart.
Congratulations on the (well-deserved!) nomination.
Why well-deserved? well, one need only to look at this tart for a reason. :-) It is certainly fit for a wrestler!
I was never a WWF fan, but this is hilarious. In a delicious sort of way.
Umm, so yeah I just can't believe this is your first tart. It definitely has the british vibe going.. even cooler that you incorporated ingredients you brought back from London!
And you know you got my vote, right?
Go British Bulldog. (He doesn't seem deserving of such an exquisite tart.) And go Melisser!!!
now I NEED to try those "cupcakes with snakes busting out"!!!
Fantastic tart!
This looks seriously delicious ...
Wow just beautiful! I'm taking it to my work potluck so everyone can say "what no butter or anything"?
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