Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler for Everyday Dish TV & a VegBloggy Award!
Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler
1 1/2 cups organic granulated sugar
1/3 cup cornstarch
5 cups fresh sliced strawberries
3 cups sliced rhubarb
2 tbsp maple syrup
Pinch of salt
Biscuit topping:
2/3 cup cold Earth Balance margarine or vegetable Shortening
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup organic granulated sugar
2 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
3 - 4 tbsp ice water
1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 400°F.
For the Filling: In an oven-safe, deep skillet, mix together sugar and cornstarch. Add the rhubarb and strawberries, mixing until coated. Add a pinch of salt, maple syrup & mix well.
Place the skillet on the stove top over medium heat, and bring to a simmer. If necessary, reduce heat slightly to maintain simmer. Let fruit cook until glossy and thickened, stirring as needed, about 10 minutes.
For the Biscuits: In a large mixing bowl, add flour and Earth Balance. Using a pastry blender, cut margarine into the flour in pea-sized pieces.
Gently stir in sugar, baking soda, and salt. Add vanilla. Gradually add ice water, a tablespoon at a time, mixing until dough comes together.
Shape the dough into a log, and break into 8 to 10 pieces.
Form small, flat biscuits and place them evenly over the top of the bubbling fruit.
Transfer skillet to the preheated oven. If you do not have an oven-safe skillet, cast iron pot, or pan, transfer your filling into a 9x13 pan, placing the biscuits on top.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, or until center is firm and biscuits are golden. Let it cool & thicken before serving, then enjoy!
By the way, I am thrilled (& surprised) to say I was given a VegBloggy Award by VegNews magazine. I'm a fan of their publication, so it was nice to see my name on their pages. I'll be attending the VegNews Music / VegBloggy issue launch party tomorrow night & may even have something to do with the desserts at the festivities. Rumor has it, I'll be seeing some of my friends & fellow award winners at the party, it's sure to be a fun night!
have fun tonight!
You're just as cute on video as you are in your pictures! ;)
Congrats on the VegNews award! I really love their publication too, so yay for you!
Hi. Your blog is wonderful. I really enjoyed it.
Congrats on your bloggy and on a fun cooking segment! I slugg you!
CONGRATS!! I read about it in the latest issue of VegNews when it came in the mail the other day!
Totally fun cooking segment!!
You're so adorable.
Congrats on the award. The cobbler looks amazing.
Ahh, such a fun video segment!! Love it :0)
I'm sooo glad that you won a VegNews blog award - you definitely are worthy of it, my friend!!
Congrats on your award! Your blog definitely deserves it!
I love your segment and recipe for Everyday Dish! I'm heading to my town's farmer's market today and I've never tried rhubarb, so I'll hopefully be able to pick some up and make that cobbler!
Great video! You totally deserve the award!!
I just discovered your blog after watching the video at Everyday Dish- excellent! And congrats on the award, too.
oo I am so excited to watch your spot on The Everday Dish. It is my fav cooking show, after all :)
Have fun at the party-you defintely deserve the award!
I know for a fact that this cobbler is delicious!
awesome video! i think you have a new career option to think about--vegan cooking host! :)
aw melisser congrats!
That is SO rad! I love the video. It's awesome.
And congrats on the award. Wish I could be there for the fun tonight, but I'll be teaching and then catching a red eye to North Carolina instead!
aw shucks.
:) Amey
Yum, that cobbler looks scrumptious! Congrats on the award!
Congratulations! I think the award is well deserved.
And spot on with the recipe - with local strawberries in season I've been meaning to hunt for a good strawberry treat.
Great recipe, thanks! Hubby loves rhubarb so you earned me some brownie points :)
Love the show segment! I wish my segments were that nice!
I was just asking Mike about whether rhubarb was available in California.
The cobbler looks great, as do you!
You're so uber-cute on video I can barely stand it!! And as for the award--truly and utterly deserved. :-)
my husband and i were lucky enough to taste your cupcakes at the vegnews party last night--DELICIOUS! thank goodness we live in san francisco and can get more of them at the usual suspects. your award was truly well deserved! plus, as everyone has already mentioned, you are adorable. :) i'm totally grabbing ingredients for that cobbler this weekend at the farmer's market.
Hey I've stumbled on your site through the Craft blog, and am so please to see it.
My boyfriend's a veggie who's planning on going vegan and so its great to see that when he does there are still loads of amazing things that I can cook for him including beautiful cakes (well - mine won't be as impressive as yours...), so THANK YOU so much
Rhiannon x
That cobbler is frickin' amazing, and you are too cute in that video!
Congrats on your Bloggy!! Well-deserved!
Congratulations on the award! And thank you for the cobbler recipe. I grew up eating peach cobbler, and it's nice to know there are vegan versions for those of us who aren't so good at figuring out how to bake vegan!
Many congrats on your blog award - I love your blog and it is well deserved :) This cobbler looks delicious - I'm going to try it as soon as I can!!
Congratulations on your award! I was at the VegNews event. Were the orange mini-cupcakes yours? If so, they were sooo good. Do you have the recipe somewhere?
Can't wait to see your video! I am a huge fan of the strawberry rhubarb combination.
And it was so wonderful to meet you on Thursday! I'm wishing I had one of your cupcakes with me right now....
you are super cute and make an awesome cooking show host! Congrats on your VegNews award, you so deserve it lady :-)
Congrats on the award, and I hope the party was fun! I'm sure it was.
Just finished watching your segment after visiting Julie. Your cobbler looks wonderful and you are quite the natural!
Congrats on the award!
awesome!! i *loved* the video! and congrats on the award! by the way, my blog moved :)
That was awesome to watch! You're such a natural. Question: fresh rhubarb is astronomical here and I generally prefer fresh over frozen, but do you think frozen rhubarb would work just as well here? I am dying to make this!
Congrats on the award! It was so cool reading about it in Vegnews and thinking, "hey, I know her" even though I really don't. But I feel like I do.
And how bad-ass that you can to film a segement of Everyday Dish with Julie!
Congrats! I hope the launch party was a great time! I am so making the cobbler this weekend! I am hosting my parents for a BBQ!
Melisser -- make love to that camera! My god you look AMAZING in it, love the head tilt and eye contact. Cooking TV -- you are made for eet!!
congratulations on the award! that's so stellar!
i'm going to try and get some rhubarb at the farmer's market so i can make this cobbler - it looks so freak'n awesome!
I love your Everyday Dish segment! I just did one this afternoon with Julie, and I hope mine will come out even half as good. I was so nervous, it wasn't even funny. Ah, I'm just happy it's behind me now..!
wow, that was insanely cute. and delicious looking.
I saw you mentioned in VegNews and was so happy for you - congrats!
Great job! Congratulations.
And, Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler--yum!
Wow! Thats really cool. The most I get to do is talk to people at earthsave. Looks good.
We'd like to invite you to participate in our July berry recipe contest. All competitors will be placed on our blogroll, and the winner will receive a fun prize! Please email me,, if you're interested. Feel free to check out our blog for more details. (Click on my name in the message header link to visit our blog. :)
Awesome video. Looks delish and I love your shirt!
I just watched this again to remember how cute you are. I'm excited to see you again in a few months!
I have this in the oven right now. I didn't have strawberries, so I added some frozen (thawed) cherries & blackberries instead. Added a little cinnamon to the cobbler batter, too. Looks & smells delicious!
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